Julius Flemming
Julius Flemming Theil Elikofer is the artist behind the collection "This is All". Julius has always had a desire to express his creativity, whether it was on stage in the school musical or through logo design for companies. It has always been appealing to Julius to have a finished product that he could proudly say was a result of his ideas.
The desire to create
Julius' passion for creating art stems from the desire to create. Julius says: "To make a product where you can express yourself and make others feel something - that's amazing". He has always liked to express himself in different creative ways. Whether it was standing on a stage in the finest pus, or being in the school musical. At the same time, he says, "It's always meant a lot to me to be able to stand and look at a finished product and say with pride in my voice that it's something I made, something I thought of."
Loose ideas are created digitally
When Julius finds inspiration, he often takes his notebook under his arm and goes for a long walk, letting his thoughts roll. Then he finds a place to sit and otherwise just starts drawing and writing everything down. Good and bad things come in the process, but the most important thing for him is to get it down on paper. When ideas come to him that he finds interesting, he runs home and does his thinking digitally. That way he can explore all angles of it and the idea gets worked on.